mnml ssgs

Posted in de-dans on February 29th, 2008 by de-dans | 1 Comments

his scene

de Vexx pentru Rugged, primavara 2008 

Posted in de-dans on February 29th, 2008 by de-dans | 2 Comments


“In the past two years, some DJs have realized that it’s necessary to play house in between. Not all the time, but just to get the girls back to the dance floor because so many of them disappeared after so much minimalism. So this is what’s happening at the moment. It’s a mixture between this minimal thing and more house-y tones.”

ricardo villalobos

Posted in academia, de-dans on February 27th, 2008 by de-dans | 5 Comments

Ryoji Ikeda – Sound Design

Japonezul Ryoji Ikeda locuieste la New York. Experimentele sale inseamna sunet, arta si design.



Nu primeaza ritmul, armonia si melodia, ci caracteristicile spatiale ale sunetului. Sunet digital care suna analog. Ii programeaza traiectorii, il plaseaza mai aproape sau mai departe in spatiu. Semnalele sonore interactioneaza cu textura si modeleaza spectrul sonor, in timp. Click-uri si impulsuri de tonuri sunt aranjate cu o precizie chirurgicala artistica, intr-un vid sonic, care de fapt dospeste de detalii precise, frecvente, infrasunete si ultrasunete, cateodata aproape imperceptibile.





Esenta frumusetii este redusa la un cod numeric, la un cod de bare, la pattern-uri binare de 0 si 1, la siruri de date care curg intr-o abundenta constanta. Diminueaza ceea ce vezi si auzi, in linii de fluid in miscare, in curbe sinusoidale, in structuri statice si repetitive. Si peretele de tacere este o experienta senzoriala.

Face parte din echipa de artisti uniti sub labelul nemtesc Raster Noton, condus de germanul Carsten Nicolai.

Posted in on February 26th, 2008 by fresh good minimal | 4 Comments


“There aren’t many millionaires in this industry. In fact, even house and techno’s most successful artists are minority interests in the wider world, comfortably outsold by moderately popular rock bands.
Indeed some of the biggest labels in the house and techno scene, the ones that seem at the very top of the tree, only sell 3,000 or so 12-inches per release. Relatively speaking, that’s miniscule. It also tells us something we should already know: that despite the endless battles about authenticity within the dance scene, it’s practically all “underground”. If one label sells 3,000 pieces of vinyl per release and another 300 per release, neither are massively successful, and neither come even close to mass popularity. The truth is, throughout the dance scene, few are making a fortune and most are merely managing, or worse.
The most obvious reason why is that techno music just doesn’t resemble other more successful genres. There are few lyrics, even fewer traditionally structured songs, and not many personalities. The artists who do enjoy commercial success tend to sound markedly different from the house and techno music you hear in nightclubs, suggesting that there’s only so much of a market for sparse and repetitive electronic sounds. Secondly, techno is consumed and distributed in its own way. With some exceptions, it’s usually ill at ease with the album format that has dominated sales for so long.
But it may not be entirely true to say that external circumstances alone are restricting the popularity of the music. In 2008, one of the biggest disappointments about a scene that is producing a slew of records that are vibrant, interesting, and artistic on a weekly basis is that some labels persist in making it difficult for fans to hear them. Of course I’m talking about vinyl only labels.[…]
Even if the biggest labels in the scene sold three times as many units per release they wouldn’t come close to the sales of a major label or a well known band or hiphop artist. This scene is entirely underground for reasons that go way above and beyond format.”

Ronan Fitzgerald – The vinyl solution

Posted in de-dans on February 22nd, 2008 by de-dans | 5 Comments

Clubul ca un cub, face viata tub

and via everybody:

– Am ochii scosi.
– Am ochii in cap?

– Am luat o gura de wiskey, mi s-a facut rau. M-am dus la toaleta, m-am intors, eram un alt om.
– A fi punker cu capul.

– Just a few more beats babushca and we go out.
– Despre Puskarev: Da ia mai da-i ma incolo de rusi, ca ne-au cotropit.
– Melodioara.
– Daca Martin este “La Cutitul de Argint”, atunci Session e “La Sunetul Belea” si Kristal “La Glamul Orbitor”.

– Noaptea celor 1000 de dimineti.
– Tot ce-ti doresti dupa o petrecere tare, este setul.
– Cum a fost? Mi s-a oprit respiratia de vreo doua ori.

– Am grid in cap.
– Gusta-l, baga-l in gura.

– Cum dansa?
– Nici deranjant, dar nici profi.

– Vroiam sa vorbesc, dar mi se impleticea limba in gand.
– Exista pastile pentru incoerenta?

– Cat neasteptat sa suporte omul intr-o viata?
– Sa-ti cumperi impreuna cu cineva o masina de spalat este ca si o logodna.
– Saracia s-a nascut dupe ce ai atras-o.
– Esti fericita? Promiti?

– Ce e viata?
– Poza alba de la blitz.

– Pai mai e bere plina, de ce sa bei bere goala?
– Fructe si alcool, ca altfel murim aici.

– Cineva vroia sa faca la un radio online, seara pentru cunoscatori si seara pentru necunoscatori.
– Un fel de incepatori versus avansati?

– Goblenul este ala pixel pe pixel.
– Digital meets analog.
– Si orbesti, asta e ideea cu goblenurile.

– Putin a spus ca este cel mai bogat om din lume, pentru ca detine emotii.
– Milioane de emotii colorate?
– Nu, asta a spus Internullo.

published in Time Out

Posted in dezbateri on February 22nd, 2008 by fresh good minimal | 1 Comments


Ce se mai intampla martea la Martin by freshgoodminimal

si reactiile pe

Posted in de-dans on February 21st, 2008 by de-dans | 5 Comments
