Tinitus – Raster Noton in ureche



Pe cine nu a convins articolul cu dopurile de urechi, iata aici niște înregistrări de tinitus, care să te convingă definitiv. Asta auzi în ureche când nu mai auzi bine ce e afară.

tinitus – ta naaa!

În plus, ca bonus, povestea lui Jon Carter, pe care deși nu l-ai ascultat ce pune, ai să asculți ce spune. Știrea este însă că în curând vom putea cumpăra dopuri de urechi din Martin. Dacă vă luați de pe net, vi le recomand pe cele cu șnur, ca să nu le pierdeți. Eu le-am pierdut. Mi-am luat altele. Le-am pierdut. Mi-am luat altele. Le-am pierdut. Vreau shnur.


Jon Carter’s Tinnitus Trauma

UK house legend Jon Carter chatted to Skrufff this week about his new album Gentleman’s Agreement and revealed that he was forced to take a two year break in recording after developing tinnitus.

The Heavenly Social pioneer and Fatboy Slim/ Chemical Brothers peer developed the much feared hearing condition as a result of prolonged recording sessions in his tiny Farringdon basement, he said.

“I used to have these huge speakers which came from the Abbey Road orchestral room, they were really over the top and I used to play them at full volume up to forty-eight hours at times,” said Jon.

“I noticed one day that the tinnitus didn’t stop, but eventually one day it skyrocketed to full volume and it freaked me out big time. You just don’t know what’s going on. It’s meant to come down; even the doctors didn’t have an answer to why it became so much louder. I had to turn a lot of work down in the end. It was really distressing because nobody seems to know anything about it, no one knows how much louder it’s going to get or what it’s going to be like when you’re sixty. Doctors just say it’s not going to kill you so just live with it.”



Posted in dezbateri on September 29th, 2008 by fresh good minimal | 2 Comments

____________________________________ some old good gaiser


Gaiser / 10 Days Off / Belgium / 18.07.07 / download

Posted in download on September 27th, 2008 by fresh good minimal | 1 Comments

The Vegetable Orchestra Remixed


Karmarouge / aprilie 2008 / download

“They are called the The Vegetable Orchestra, they are from Vienna and they use musical instruments made out of vegetables: Using carrot flutes, pumpkin basses, leek violins, leek-zucchini-vibrators, cucumberophones and celery bongos, the orchestra creates its own extraordinary and vegetabile sound universe. The ensemble overcomes preserved and marinated sound conceptions or tirelessly re-stewed listening habits, putting its focus on expanding the variety of vegetable instruments, developing novel musical ideas and exploring fresh vegetable sound gardens. The music represents an isomorphism of electronic music and the structure of the sounds produced by the vegetables. The concept of this remix project is the interpretation and reconstruction of electronic music with organic means by using the original vegetable sounds and samples. Karmarouge Records has invited well respected international artists such as Ricardo Villalobos, Luciano, Gabriel Ananda, Frank Martiniq, Oliver Hacke, Märtini Brös, Anja Schneider, Basteroid and Sian to take part and create their individual vegetable sound interpretation. Armed with vegetable samples, a sequenzer and a hand-held blender, it’s up to them to show the world how to brew a large portion of minimal techno out of ginger, leek and onions, how to buzz the pumpkin bass and cook a delicate celery soup. Listen to the vegetables!”

Posted in de-dans, download on September 26th, 2008 by de-dans | 3 Comments

Hardisco Radio



Sillyconductor live now for another few hours

In rest, nu exista program, nu exista lista de viitori invitati, numai promisiuni de update in curand. Mai intrati voi din cand in cand.

Posted in de-dans on September 26th, 2008 by de-dans | 0 Comments

Buzz.ro! Rezistenta Materialelor


este Lucian poneiul roz?

text by Costin & Lucian (published in Blana)

Scena muzicii electronice din Romania se indreapta cu pasi marunti dar siguri spre o sincronizare cu celelalte scene europene. Exista artisti consacrati, care fac muzica buna de mult timp, insa la noi in tara sunt inca multe lucruri care nu s-au intamplat, atat in materie de muzica propriu-zisa, cat si de evenimente live. De la aceste premize am plecat iarna trecuta cand ne-am hotarat sa pornim Rezistenta Materialelor.

Rezistenta Materialelor – Merry Go Round

Tot de aici provine si principiul nostru stilistic, acela de a nu ramane blocati intr-o zona anume, ci de a experimenta si a ne juca cu orice ne vine in minte sau ne atrage pe moment. Incercam prin diversitatea continutului sa atragem fani ai cat mai multor stiluri sau genuri muzicale, care sa rezoneze cu temele noastre sau cu alti parametrii ai muzicii pe care o cream. Rezistenta Materialelor acopera un segment al muzicii romanesti care era mai putin exploatat pana acum si o folosim de fiecare data cand avem ceva de exprimat.

Rezistenta Materialelor – Cand ma enervez

Numele l-am imprumutat de la cursul omonim al Universitatii de Arhitectura si reprezinta mai mult decat un titlu. Asa cum respectivul curs aplica regulile fortelor fizice pe materialele de constructie, asa si noi suntem dependenti de mediul in care traim si il valorificam cand ne alegem materialele pentru piese. In consecinta, unele dintre temele noastre sunt recognoscibile de catre un public mai larg, cum este cazul “Ideea Ikea” (versuri imprumutate din catalogul Ikea), “Eu sunt mama mea” (auto-satira a lui Becali) sau “Mall, mall sa-naltam” (colindul “Domn, domn sa-naltam” cu versuri adaptate).

Rezistenta Materialelor – A Night at Pokemon

Alteori ne inspiram din locuri mai putin cunoscute, cum ar fi muzica contemporana culta, filme europene care ne-au placut sau diverse clipuri de pe Youtube. Am folosit chiar si combinatii de surse muzicale fara legatura intre ele, ca in piesa “Mafia Wars”, unde am suprapus teme din Star Wars, Barbie Girl, Popeye si B.U.G. Mafia, transfigurate, evident, pentru a nu incalca drepturi de autor. Majoritatea pieselor tematice au o tenta ironica sau cel putin umoristica, mai mult sau mai putin evidenta. Cu toate acestea, in final muzica noastra este facuta pentru a se putea dansa pe ea si de aceea incercam sa o prezentam cat mai des in public.

Posted in buzz.RO on September 26th, 2008 by fresh good minimal | 1 Comments

SCSI-9 – Easy As Down


photo by Michael Kenna

So SCSI-9ish / Kompakt / 2008/ download / via tfe

Posted in download on September 25th, 2008 by fresh good minimal | 1 Comments

3 years of Stil Vor Talent


Stil Vor Talent / 18 Sep 2008 / download

Posted in de-dans, download on September 23rd, 2008 by de-dans | 2 Comments
