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Intai am facut un blog, dupa aia o rubrica in care prezentam producatori romani, apoi o compilatie si pe urma un label. Am reusit sa convingem Institutul Cultural Roman ca muzica electronica e cultura si am castigat o finantare pentru promovarea productiilor romanesti in afara. Am ales ce-am crezut ca e mai bun din muzica electronica romaneasca si niste locuri in care prezenta noastra sa conteze. Am gasit parteneri, am gasit cluburi, am aranjat tot in asa fel incat acum sa fim gata sa ii dam drumul. First we take Berlin, apoi Viena, Londra si Barcelona. Dar ca toate acestea sa nu ramana numai in afara, ne-am gandit ca ar fi potrivit sa organizam un preview al tuturor petrecerilor si in Bucuresti. Am ales cate un artist din fiecare oras si am pus de un Bucharest Showcase la Fabrica pe 10 septembrie. Exact ca si la petrecerile din afara, vom distribui 400 de compilatii Buzz.ro 2010. Cica daca nu te plac ai tai acasa, degeaba te duci sa te lauzi in straini. Nu ca mai putem da inapoi, da e si asta un test.

Posted in Local Records, weekend warrior on August 31st, 2010 by de-dans | 2 Comments

Shed – The Traveller

Ultimul release Ostgut-Ton vine de la Shed, un proiect mult mai atmosferic si mai abstract decat ce a facut pana acum. Un album ca o compilatie, o noua definitie a muzicii techno in viziunea aristului, adica o scufundare in spectrul larg al genului – dnb, dubstep, minimal – inspirat din sunetul si atitudinea muzicii de club a anilor 90 – Detroit, Chicago, Berlin. Albumul este calidoscopic: si nostalgic, si distrugator de ringuri de dans prin ritmuri sparte, patternuri structurale si puls de 4 pe 4; synthuri ce aduc aminte de Aphex Twin si techno concis ce te duce direct in Berghain. E atat de frumos, este noua ta obsesie.


Posted in download on August 31st, 2010 by fresh good minimal | 4 Comments

De ce sunt atat de multi barbati la club?


photos via amdraci.ro

Text from “Inside clubbing. Sensual Experiment in the Art of being Human” by Phil Jackson / Berg 2004

Dace re-emerged as a mass form of social experience, particularly among man, and the majority of them had spent the preceding years standing round in clubs, clutching pints, watching woman groove around their handbags and fearing that dancing would emasculate them and leave them open to ridicule by their peers. In 1984, when I first started clubbing, before the Ecstasy Rave movement had begun, I would be one of the few men going for it on the dance floor in clubs, usually receiving scowls from the other man around me. It did not leave me enamoured of the club environment, as it seemed like little more then a noisy, angst-ridden, overcrowded pub.

When I went back into clubs, in 1989 the floor was heaving with tight-jawed men on Ecstasy, waving their hands in the air and grinning so hard you thought their faces were going to rip. Many of these men were the same ones who had resolutely refused to dance only a few years earlier. The difference was extraordinary; the sheer physical energy produced in the club environment immediately went ballistic and the levels of angst and machismo, witch was so noticeable in the past, diminished. Both these alterations were seen largely in terms of the effects of Ecstasy by clubbers themselves, but in reality they were as much to do with the simple act of dancing than any property inherent by the drug. The drug reduced people’s self-consciousness and fear of censure to the point where they could enjoy dancing. Man moved from being drunken wallflowers to being much part of the club environment as they started to discover dancing for themselves.


Posted in academia on August 27th, 2010 by fresh good minimal | 8 Comments

Weekend Warrior


The Elektro Bunker are aproximativ 600m patrati, 2 nivele, nenumarate camarute si culoare intortochiate unde ai putea sa te pierzi linstit sau sa te faci pierdut, un aer industrial, underground care aduce a un mini Tresor din Berlin si o temperatura constanta de 16 grade celsius indiferent de vremea de afara. Camera centrala are aspectul unei grote de 10m adancime, cu un efect sonor cavernuos similar celui din Berghain (pastrand proportiile si sonorizarea).

Profitam de vremea buna de afara si incepem pe zi, la amiaza, in aer liber cu Ciprian Popa, Miguel Sanchez si Mistor (sosit in ultima clipa in locul bolnavului Readymate). La 10 seara ne retragem in undeground cu The Filters (live), Thommy, Giuser si Alexandru Jijian. Bring your swimming wear for the day and the jumper for the Bunker.




Posted in weekend warrior on August 27th, 2010 by fresh good minimal | 4 Comments

Moog Lives


Joi, 26 august, îi aducem un omagiu acestui pionier al instrumentelor muzicale electronice, printr-o adunare de seară la club Fuchsia, ce va include proiecţia unui documentar editat cu imagini şi destăinuiri din viaţa lui Bob Moog şi din experienţa unora dintre artiştii care au folosit sintetizatoarele sale, un concert live Brazda lui Novac folosind un sintetizator modular, dar şi un dj set special cu influenţe “moog”-uistice semnat OK Corral. Intrarea este liberă atât pentru ingineri, cât şi pentru muzicieni. Restul participanţilor vor fi obligaţi să memoreze, la alegere, ecuaţiile electromagnetismului ale lui Maxwell sau intervalele de consonanţă armonică ale lui Helmholtz, în vederea susţinerii unui nivel academic al întâlnirii.


Posted in academia, weekend warrior on August 24th, 2010 by fresh good minimal | 1 Comments

Hubert Davis – Proceduri de Rutina


Frate muzical cu Fanas, Hubert Davis este un roman plecat in Germania la 5 ani, care traieste in Koln. Face muzica din 2004, iar acest ultim album, intruchiparea nostalgiei perfecte, este facut doar din sampeluri de jazz vechi romanesc. Si, intr-adevar, nu te mai saturi.

<a target="_blank" href="http://hubertdaviz.bandcamp.com/album/proceduri-de-rutina-2">cuvant introductiv by Hubert Daviz</a>

Ca sa asculti tot albumul in playerul asta trebuie sa dai next. Asa ca, sa-l downlodam de aici

Continuam cu mixul care facea introducerea ep-ului de mai sus, si va sfatuim sa-i ascultati tot ce se gaseste pe soundcloud-ul artistului.

RETROSPECTIVA PARTE – a romanian jazz mix by Hubert Daviz

Posted in download, sets on August 23rd, 2010 by fresh good minimal | 4 Comments

DJ Qu Mix


dj qu – process part 227 by modyfier

“This is an archived mix from ‘2007. Enjoy and always remember to live the music. I do. It governs most of my life decisions which, in-turn, give me inspiration to create. It’s a very simple process for me and, in my opinion, very understandable to almost anyone. STRENGTH MUSIC for life!” (via modyfier)

Daca ar exista “Mixul anului 2010”, DJ Qu tocmai si-a castigat titlul, desi setul e facut acum trei ani. De mult n-am mai ascultat un set atat de frumos si de bine inchegat, caruia ii prezic viata lunga pe repeat. Muzica pentru orice moment, din zi sau din noapte.


Posted in sets on August 20th, 2010 by fresh good minimal | 2 Comments
