Hauschka – Ferndorf


[Fat Cat] / 2008 / download / buy

De peste un an, de fiecare data cand ascult acest album vreau sa-l postez si n-o fac niciodata. Astazi insa, merge mai mult ca oricand cu toamna, cu ziua de luni, cu jobul si cu starea de spirit. Sound neo clasic, pianistul german Volker Bertelmann spune ca albumul este o reflectie asupra peisajelor naturii care i-au dominat copilaria. Aduce aminte de precursorii minimalisti Philip Glass si John Cage, pentru ca opera sa deriva din tehnicile de compunere minimaliste. De altfel, pianistul si-a inceput cariera cu o abordare a pianului popularizata de John Cage, care in anii ’30 plasa intre coardele instrumentului suruburi, piese din cauciuc, si alte obiecte pentru a-l transforma intr-un fel de orchestra de percutie in miniatura. In concert, se spune ca Bertelmann se opreste din cantat si se vara in pian la propriu, pentru a face modificari si a aduce noi texturi. Spre deosebire de Cage insa, pianistul german prefera melodiiile simple, pe care, la o adica, le poti fredona, care au o repetitie mangaitoare de sticla ce tine loc de ritm. Transporta inovatiile lui Cage intr-un context modern si le proceseaza electronic. Pianul formeaza scheletul albumului, dar culoarea, gravitatea, timbrul si sufletul sunt date si de vioara, violoncel si trombon. Un album de inseninat orice zi si orice incapere.

Blue Bicycle

Barfuss Durch Gras


Posted in download on November 30th, 2009 by fresh good minimal | 8 Comments

John Riley Mix for FGM


Riley: Mix starts off somewhere, goes off somewhere else for a bit, then changes its mind and goes to somewhere different, before finally deciding to go back to where it started.
More or less.
Thus it is a circular mix.
These are quite difficult to do though i’ve heard that the square ones are even more hard.


Posted in de-dans, sets on November 27th, 2009 by de-dans | 0 Comments

The Year in Techno 2009


“House music dominated dance music discourse in 2009, perhaps even more than last year. Gone was much of the fussy, whittled clickety-clack of minimal, replaced by hot 909s, boomy drum samples, syncopated stabs, and looped vocal shots. “Deep” remained the byword, represented in bluesy chords, relaxed grooves and, far too often, sounds and rhetoric designed to invoke the notion of “soufulness.”
[…] Ultimately, much of my dissatisfaction with the mainstream of “underground” house this year had to do with its pacing, reliant as it was upon arbitrary 4- and 8-bar sequences that often felt like marching in place, waiting for the obligatory change. It was neither hypnotic, despite its repetitions, nor dynamic, despite its buildups and breakdowns, many of which echoed progressive house in its predictable rushes and denouements. Dancing, like too many cultural experiences these days, felt too much like buffering: drumming your fingers on the desk while you waited for something to happen.” Philip Sherburne

Pitchfork’s The Year in Techno 2009 by Philip Sherburne


Posted in de-dans, dezbateri on November 26th, 2009 by de-dans | 5 Comments

Etienne Jaumet – Night Music


Versatile Records / 5.10.2009 / try / buy

Ca sa o facem lata cu Etienne Jaumet saptamana asta : primul sau album solo, aparut in octombrie (produs de Carl Craig, buhuhu) si live-ul de la rokolectiv de anul asta.

Etienne Jaumet live @ Rokolectiv (12.04.2009)


Posted in de-dans, download, sets on November 25th, 2009 by de-dans | 3 Comments

Etienne Jaumet Mix Tape


Jumatate din Zombie Zombie, Etienne Jaumet isi strange laolalta toti fratii, producatorii scolii franceze – aia buna – si face un mix tape pentru dustedmagazine. La final, econcore un fois!


Posted in sets on November 24th, 2009 by fresh good minimal | 6 Comments

Buzz.RO! Inner


Inner: sunt din Iasi, am 23 de ani, produc muzica mai serios de doi si mixez de trei. Stilul abordat ca dj se regaseste cumva in cele trei trackuri de mai jos, poate si cu putin house presarat in set, din cand in cand. Cele 3 piese nu au in spate un concept si nicio destinatie catre vreun label, ci doar dorinta de a produce un anumit tip de muzica, de dans (stru gut) sau de camera (azotool, ploa ia), in acelasi timp mixabile la o adunare intre prieteni.


stru gut

ploa ia

Posted in buzz.RO on November 23rd, 2009 by fresh good minimal | 10 Comments

VJ Culture Documentary – CTRL ALT SHIFT

Un documentar scurt despre VJing, pus laolalta de Visually Impaired Artists, cuprinde interviuri cu maestrii scenei britanice, printre care: Light Surgeons, Hexstatic, VJ Anyone, Vector Meldrew, Fatamorgana, Addictive TV

Posted in film on November 23rd, 2009 by fresh good minimal | 0 Comments
