Lucian Stefanescu – I always thought there is (mix for FGM)


Lucian Stefanescu – Muzici In Cap 20 (Praga) by freshgoodminimal12

Lucian Stefanescu speaking: There is no such thing like electronic music, or any other kind of music. There are only a billion more than seven colours combined with breath, breed and beyond. In everyone’s head, limbs, entrails. Colours that you eat, breathe, sweat, defecate, bleed. Colours that you skin. Colours that you speak. Colours with corporeal bodies, heavy as bricks of small feathers (I got this succession of words – bricks of feathers – as a present from Francois Pamfil, and this is why this mix is actually dedicated to him, wherever he may be now).


1. The Gardener’s Lament (Thiaz Itch)

2. Lucky (Holy Fuck)

3. Le Rokford Files (Le Rok)

4. A Superstar (Kotchy89)

5. Man Down (I.D. & Baobinga)

6. Sentinel (Shadow Guard)

7. Form of Chill (Elonious Funk)

8. Japan animation (1/16)

9. Not A Number (Apparat)

10. Hailin From The Edge (Apparat)

11. Warrior (Chuck Silva)

12. Sandy’s Day Off (Authist & Dub One!)

13. NImport Quoi (Deadbeat)

14. Saul Williams: Black Stacey (Deadbeat Remix)

15. Half time acid break Part 1 (Dfader Insomenyah)

16. Marijuan (Pitch Boys)

17. House Of Klezmer (Faroff)

18. Lent Morris’ (Lop:Nor)

19. Dreadnaught (Elliot Martin of John Brown’s Body)

Lucian Stefanescu (n. 1959 la Cluj), ziarist, corespondent din 1991 la Biroul din Bucuresti, apoi redactor in Serviciul Romanesc al ”Europei Libere” la Praga. Asculta muzica si radio “Europa Libera” de la virsta de 11 ani. A scris poezie la “Echinox”, a jucat teatru la “Ars Amatoria & Fiii”, a relatat din Chisinau pentru “Catavencu” – prima serie – despre declararea independentei Republicii Sovietice Socialiste Moldovenesti.

A luat peste o mie de interviuri: John McLaughlin, Harry Tavitian, Sofa Surfers, Fanfara Ciocarlia, Dan McCafferty, Jancsi Korossy, Taraf Des Hajdouks, Mircea Ivanescu, Dan Desliu, Emil Hurezeanu, Traian Basescu, CP Tariceanu, Dinu Patriciu, baroneasa Emma Nicholson, congresmanul Christopher Smith etc. Bea bere la Praga, se plimba cu bicicleta prin sudul Moraviei, se uita la cele doua lebede de pe lacul din parcul central din Cluj, maninca mici la Bucuresti. Si in tot acest timp scrie un Dictionar de Sunete.)

Posted in sets on July 30th, 2010 by fresh good minimal | 3 Comments

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