Techno Manifestos, can it be?

Tipul care in Feiern (documentarul despre scena de muzica electronica din berlin), da printr-o replica subtitlul fimului (“…and don’t forget to go home”), scrie o coloana in Groove despre iminenta inchidere a Bar 25, in care isi retrage cuvintele. Un fel de manifest emotional la care eu ma bag.

[…]Not long after I moved here, and in pretend shock and amusement at a culture that was so shameless about not knowing when to stop, I made a flippant comment on film that has followed me round ever since. I’m taking it back.

Forget home. Stay out for as long as you can, while you can. Do it, before you can’t do it any more. Before it becomes inappropriate. Before the demands of family or work become too pressing (because, necessarily, they will). And most importantly, before the powers that be decide that you should be doing something quieter and more healthy, preferably where they can see you. Before all the spaces like 25 are bought up, sold off, closed down, removed for ever and this city becomes just like every other.

For it’ll all be gone sooner than you think, and you not so long after.”

Ewan Pearson

Toate articolele din Groove pe blogul lui,

Si daca tot suntem la manifeste, ultimul column al lui Philip Sherburne de pe Pitchfork aici

“Dance music has plenty of rules– some of them good, some bad, all of them unwritten– but where are the manifestos?”

Posted in academia, de-dans on July 22nd, 2008 by de-dans | 23 Comments

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